

  1. en-monikko|j|oke

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jokes rimmaa näiden kanssa:

director musices, edes, vastedes, tästedes, kahdes, kahdeskymmeneskahdes, yhdes, kahdeskymmenesyhdes, viides, kuudes...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

jokes englanniksi

  1. (monikko) joke|lang=en

  2. puhekieltä Really good

  3. (quote-newsgroup)

  4. this thing is so jokes...i think it would be wack if someone responded to this.. but plz do cause that would be, like, some cool shit.
  5. 2008, "Zetsu", Floaters and gravity (on newsgroup

  6. Andrew VS Neil and Mike is totally jokes! I love it when Andrew gets pissed, lol. It's so cool!
  7. (quote-book)

  8. (w)

  9. Dappy's new tune is jokes, in a good way. Thoroughly entertaining and insightful which is more than I can say for most things on the radio.
  10. (en-third-person singular of)
