

  1. en-v-taivm|j|aundice|d



ahdasmielinen, ennakkoluuloinen, asenteellinen, syrjivä, puolueellinen, epäluuloinen, sairaalloinen, sairas, keltatautinen.

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Englannin sanakirja

jaundiced (englanti > suomi)

  1. keltatautinen

  2. epäluuloinen, ennakkoluuloinen

jaundiced englanniksi

  1. Affected with jaundice.

  2. Jaundiced eyes seem to see all objects yellow. - w:Joseph Hall (bishop)|Joseph Hall

  3. prejudiced Prejudiced; envious

  4. a jaundiced judgment

  5. 2003, Simon S. Godfrey, The Nature of Man and God: A New Look, Trafford Publishing, page 186 http://books.google.com/books?id=E5Q7ch56wc4C&pg=PA186&dq=jaundiced+godfrey+date:1970-2008&lr=lang_en&as_brr=3&sig=rgUNZAhqGLWqRtfioTyRK4W5S0o

  6. If we have experienced a hostile world in childhood, we will continue to view almost everyone with a jaundiced eye and react to them according to our perception.
  7. 1973, Arthur C. Clarke, Rendezvous with Rama

  8. Although Professor Davidson took a very jaundiced view of the Neptune probe, it had already been approved and he saw no point in sending more good money after bad.
