


sisä-, sisäinen, läsnäoleva, sisimmäinen, perimmäinen, salainen, henkilökohtainen, itsekseen kuiskattu, sisäänpäinkääntyneisyys, internaalisuus.

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Englannin sanakirja

inward (englanti > suomi)

  1. sisä-, sisäinen, sisäänpäin suuntautunut

inward englanniksi

  1. Situated on the inside; that is within, inner; belonging to the inside. (defdate)

  2. puhekieltä intimate Intimate, closely acquainted; familiar. (defdate)

  3. (RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), II.3:

  4. There is nothing can be added unto the daintinesse of Fulvius wives death, who was so inward with Augustus.
  5. Bible, Job xix. 19

  6. All my inward friends abhorred me.
  7. Sir Philip Sidney

  8. He had had occasion, by one very inward with him, to know in part the discourse of his life.
  9. Towards the inside. (defdate)

  10. So much the rather, thou Celestial Light, Shine inward. — Milton.

  11. puhekieltä That which is inward or within; the inner parts or organs of the body; the viscera.

  12. (rfquotek)

  13. Milton

  14. Then sacrificing, laid the inwards and their fat.
  15. puhekieltä The mental faculties.

  16. puhekieltä A familiar friend or acquaintance.

  17. Shakespeare

  18. I was an inward of his.
