

  1. vihjaus, vihjailu

  2. vihje, viite


Ive had enough of your intimations!

the first intimations of the trouble ahead



ehdotus, aavistus, vihi, pilkahdus, koepallo, vihjaus, häivähdys.

Rimmaavat sanat

intimation rimmaa näiden kanssa:

science fiction, lotion...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

intimation englanniksi

  1. The act of intimating; also, the thing intimated.

  2. Announcement; declaration.

  3. (rfquotek)

  4. They made an edict with an intimation that whosoever killed a stork, should be banished.
  5. A hint; an obscure or indirect suggestion or notice; a remote or ambiguous reference

  6. Without mentioning the king of England, or giving the least intimation that he was sent by him.
  7. 1862, (w), s:Walking Walking:

  8. At length, perchance, the immaterial heaven will appear as much higher to the American mind, and the intimations that star it as much brighter.
