

  1. refl|en|to mielistellä jkta



manipuloida, pitää kurissa, hallita, mielistellä, mairitella, imarrella, liehakoida, makeilla, nuoleskella.

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ingratiate rimmaa näiden kanssa:

aate, olympia-aate, osuustoiminta-aate, periaate, toimintaperiaate, yleisperiaate, määräämisperiaate, toimitusperiaate, julkisuusperiaate, kansallisuusperiaate...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

ingratiate (englanti > suomi)

  1. mielistellä

ingratiate englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To bring oneself into favour with someone by flattering or trying to please him or her.

  2. 1849, w:Charlotte Brontë|Charlotte Brontë, Shirley, ch. 15:

  3. He considered this offering an homage to his merits, and an attempt on the part of the heiress to ingratiate herself into his priceless affections.
  4. 1903, w:Samuel Butler|Samuel Butler, The Way of All Flesh, ch. 58:

  5. He would pat the children on the head when he saw them on the stairs, and ingratiate himself with them as far as he dared.
  6. 2007 July 9, w:Brian T. Bennett|Brian Bennett, ",8599,1641541,00.html Why Maliki Is Still Around," Time (retrieved 26 May 2014):

  7. He ingratiated himself with the Kurdish bloc when he stood up to aggressive Turkish rhetoric about the Kurdish border in May.
  8. puhekieltä To recommend; to render easy or agreeable.

  9. (circa) w:Henry Hammond|Henry Hammond, "Sermon XIII" in Miscellaneous Theological Works of Henry Hammond, Volume 3 (1850 edition), p. 283 (Google preview):

  10. What difficulty would it the love of Christ not ingratiate to us?

