

  1. tulehduttaa



tulehtua, tulehduttaa, huonontua, rappeutua, heiketä, pahentua, heikentää, huonontaa, pahentaa, vaikeuttaa, lisätä, herättää, paljastaa, saada aikaan, innoittaa, nostattaa, synnyttää, kiihottaa, lietsoa.

Rimmaavat sanat

inflame rimmaa näiden kanssa:

saame, koltansaame, madame, hame, nahkahame, pellavahame, tweedhame, vannehame, midihame, vekkihame...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

inflame (englanti > suomi)

  1. sytyttää

  2. herättää

  3. lietsoa

  4. tulehduttaa

  5. liioitella

  6. tulehtua

inflame englanniksi

  1. To set on fire; to kindle; to cause to burn, flame, or glow.

  2. Chapman

  3. We should have made retreat / By light of the inflamed fleet.
  4. puhekieltä To kindle or intensify, as passion or appetite; to excite to an excessive or unnatural action or heat.

  5. to inflame desire

  6. Milton

  7. more, it seems, inflamed with lust than rage
  8. Dryden

  9. But, O inflame and fire our hearts.
  10. To provoke to anger or rage; to exasperate; to irritate; to incense; to enrage.

  11. Shakespeare

  12. It will inflame you; it will make you mad.
  13. (quote-book)|chapter=12

  14. To put in a state of inflammation; to produce morbid heat, congestion, or swelling, of.

  15. to inflame the eyes by overwork

  16. To exaggerate; to enlarge upon.

  17. Addison

  18. A friend exaggerates a man's virtues, an enemy inflames his crimes.
  19. 1773, (w), s:She Stoops to Conquer|She Stoops to Conquer

  20. As you say, we passengers are to be taxed to pay all these fineries. I have often seen a good sideboard, or a marble chimney-piece, though not actually put in the bill, inflame a reckoning confoundedly.
  21. To grow morbidly hot, congested, or painful; to become angry or incensed.

  22. (pt-verb form of)

  23. (es-verb form of)
