

  1. uskomaton


incredible intellectual capability

Liittyvät sanat: incredibility, incredibly



epäuskottava, uskomaton, epäilevä, epäuskoinen, skeptinen, uskottavuus, luotettavuus.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

incredible (englanti > suomi)

  1. uskomaton, epäuskottava

  2. uskomaton

incredible englanniksi

  1. Too implausible to be credible; beyond belief; unbelievable. (defdate)

  2. 1980 September 16, (w), quoted in William A. Schwartz et al., The Nuclear Seduction: Why the Arms Race Doesn’t Matter—And What Does, University of California Press (1990, 1993), ISBN 0-520-06134-9, page 29:

  3. I get lost in what is credible and not credible. This whole thing gets so incredible when you consider wiping out whole nations, it is difficult to establish credibility.
  4. 2009, (w), A History of Christianity, Penguin 2010, page 796:

  5. He therefore found revealed religion incredible in a literal sense, and, as Bayle had done before him, he radically separated morality from the practice of organized religion.
  6. amazing Amazing; astonishing; awe-inspiring.

  7. He was so wrapped up in watching the incredible special effects that he couldnt keep track of the story.''

  8. marvellous Marvellous; profoundly affecting; wonderful.

  9. I had such an incredible slice of pizza last night that I simply cant think about anything else.''
