


valoisa, hehkuva, valkohehkuva, kunniakas, maineikas, häikäisevä, loistava.

Rimmaavat sanat

incandescent rimmaa näiden kanssa:

management, understatement, establishment, vol-au-vent...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

incandescent (englanti > suomi)

  1. hehku|alt=hehku-, hehkuva

  2. loistava, hehkuva

  3. hehkuva

incandescent englanniksi

  1. emitting light as a result of being heated

  2. shining very brightly

  3. (quote-journal)|date=27 November 2013|passage=Those multitoned buttes and mesas of the (w), and that incandescent sequence of colorful bands that make one of the natural wonders of the world so grand, can also be found over 100 million miles away on Mars.

  4. showing intense emotion, as of a performance, etc.

  5. An Adjective incandescent lamp or bulb

  6. {{quote-journal|date=March 1, 2007|author=Matthew L. Wald|title=Room to Improve|work=New York Times|url=

  7. English incandescent

  8. Lorsque cette masse incandescente sortit des entrailles de la terre, elle se trouva entourée deau et se refroidit rapidement. (Jean Louis Armand de Quatrefages de Bréau, LArchipel de Chausey, souvenirs d'un Naturaliste, Revue des Deux Mondes, tome 30, 1842)

  9. (inflection of)
