


järkeily, looginen ajattelu, abstraktiivinen ajattelu, päättely, päätelmä, johtopäätös, analogia, vastaavuus, korollaari, johtaminen, seuraus, seuraamus, deduktio.

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Englannin sanakirja

illation englanniksi

  1. The act of inferring or concluding, especially from a set of premises; a conclusion, a deduction.

  2. 1646, (w), Pseudodoxia Epidemica, I.2:

  3. Now herein there seems to be a very erroneous Illation: from the Indulgence of God unto Cain, concluding an immunity unto himself ....
  4. 1690, (w), An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding:

  5. it so orders the intermediate Ideas, as to discover what Connection there is in each Link of the Chain, whereby the Extreams are held together; and thereby, as it were, to draw into View the Truth sought for, which is what we call Illation or Inference ....
  6. 1974, (w), Tatlin!:

  7. Adriaan moved to Pierce’s American illation whereby an if begets a therefore, event by event, the javelin’s flight issuing from the web of contingencies in which we may locate the javelin and the javelineer ....
