

  1. liioittelu, hyperbola



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Englannin sanakirja

hyperbole (englanti > suomi)

  1. hyperbola

hyperbole englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä deliberate Deliberate or unintentional overstatement, particularly extreme overstatement.

  2. 1837, w:Nathaniel Hawthorne|Nathaniel Hawthorne, s:Legends of the Province House|Legends of the Province House

  3. The great staircase, however, may be termed, without much hyperbole, a feature of grandeur and magnificence.
  4. 1841, w:James Fenimore Cooper|James Fenimore Cooper, s:The Deerslayer|The Deerslayer, ch. 28

  5. "Nay - nay - good Sumach," interrupted Deerslayer, whose love of truth was too indomitable to listen to such hyperbole with patience.
  6. c. 1910, w:Theodore Roosevelt|Theodore Roosevelt, s:Productive Scholarship|Productive Scholarship

  7. Of course the hymn has come to us from somewhere else, but I do not know from where; and the average native of our village firmly believes that it is indigenous to our own soil—which it can not be, unless it deals in hyperbole, for the nearest approach to a river in our neighborhood is the village pond.
  8. (quote-book)

  9. 2001, Tom Bentley, Daniel Stedman Jones, The Moral Universe

  10. The perennial problem, especially for the BBC, has been to reconcile the hyperbole-driven agenda of newspapers with the requirement of balance, which is crucial to the public service remit.
  11. puhekieltä An instance or example of such overstatement.

  12. 1602, w:William Shakespeare|William Shakespeare, s:Troilus and Cressida|Troilus and Cressida i 3

  13. ...and when he speaks
    'Tis like a chime a-mending; with terms unsquar'd,
    Which, from the tongue of roaring Typhon dropp'd,
    Would seem hyperboles.
  14. 1843, w:Thomas Babington Macaulay|Thomas Babington Macaulay, s:The Gates of Somnauth|The Gates of Somnauth

  15. The honourable gentleman forces us to hear a good deal of this detestable rhetoric; and then he asks why, if the secretaries of the Nizam and the King of Oude use all these tropes and hyperboles, Lord Ellenborough should not indulge in the same sort of eloquence?
  16. puhekieltä A hyperbola.

  17. puhekieltä hyperboleEnglish hyperbole

  18. puhekieltä hyperbola

  19. exaggeration; English hyperbole

  20. (inflection of)
