

  1. sairaala

Liittyvät sanat: hospitalise, hospitalize



löytölastenkoti, sairaala, sairasosasto, sairaalarakennus.


Rimmaavat sanat

hospital rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

hospital (englanti > suomi)

  1. sairaala

hospital englanniksi

  1. A large medical facility, usually in a building with multiple floors, where seriously ill or injured patients are given extensive medical and/or surgical treatment.

  2. Luckily an ambulance arrived quickly and he was rushed to hospital. (qualifier)

    Luckily an ambulance arrived quickly and he was rushed to the hospital. (qualifier)

  3. A building founded for the long term care of its residents, such as an almshouse. The residents may have no physical ailments, but simply need financial support.

  4. puhekieltä A place of lodging.

  5. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queen), II.ix:

  6. they spide a goodly castle, plast / Foreby a riuer in a pleasaunt dale, / Which choosing for that euenings hospitale, / They thither marcht ....
  7. puhekieltä hospitable Hospitable.

  8. (RQ:Fielding Tom Jone)

  9. At last the Ocean, that hospital friend to the wretched, opened her capacious arms to receive him; and he instantly resolved to accept her kind invitation.


  10. (l) (gloss)

  11. (l)

  12. (obsolete spelling of)

  13. hospitable

  14. hospitable; welcoming

  15. puhekieltä mental hospital
