

  1. heuristinen

Liittyvät sanat: heuristics



heuristinen, kokeellinen, sääntö, kaava, heuristiikka, heuristinen sääntö, heuristinen ohjelma, uudenlainen ja luova ajattelutapa.

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Englannin sanakirja

heuristic (englanti > suomi)

  1. heuristinen

  2. heuristiikka

heuristic englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä That employs a practical method not guaranteed to be optimal or perfect; not following or derived from any theory.

  2. {{quote-book|year=2015|author= Ippoliti, Emiliano; Thomas Nickles|title=Heuristic Reasoning|url=https://www.scribd.com/doc/290648904/

  3. puhekieltä That solves a problem more quickly but is not certain to arrive at an optimal solution.

  4. {{quote-book|year=2002|author=Te Chiang Hu, Man-tak Shing|title=Combinatorial Algorithms|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=BF5_bCN72EUC

  5. puhekieltä That reasons from the value of a method or principle that has been shown by experimental investigation to be a useful aid in learning, discovery and problem-solving.

  6. A heuristic method.

  7. The art of applying heuristic methods.

  8. puhekieltä A technique designed for solving a problem when classic methods are too slow or fail to find any exact solution.
