

  1. vaikeus, vastoinkäyminen, vaiva



vaikeus, vaivalloisuus, tuimuus, synkkyys, vastoinkäyminen, ankaruus, vakavuus, karuus, kovuus, tylyys, onnettomuus, epäonni, koettelemus, huono onni, huono tuuri, vaiva, koettelemusten koulu.

Rimmaavat sanat

hardship rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

hardship (englanti > suomi)

  1. vaikeus, vastoinkäyminen, vaiva

hardship englanniksi

  1. (countable or uncountable) difficulty Difficulty or trouble; hard times.

  2. He has survived periods of financial hardship before.

  3. puhekieltä To treat (a person) badly; to subject to hardships.

  4. 1969, Tract Series (issues 96-129, page 529)

  5. (..) an adjustment of the income tax could easily produce the twenty millions without hardshipping any industrious person in the community (..)
  6. 1970, Reading Reform Foundation, The Annual Reading Reform Foundation Conference (page 47)

  7. Although we lost the election by the narrowest of margins, the people of Oregon heard a great deal about education, and particularly about how "look-say" reading instruction was hardshipping Oregon school children.
