

  1. noita-akka

  2. akka, harppu



leuattomat selkärankaiset, leuattomat kalat, agnathan, leuaton kala, limaajat, limaajien heimo, limanahkiainen, limaaja, eptatretus, Myxinikela siroka.


  1. hagari: hakuryyppy

  2. Hagis: Hakaniemi : Mä oon budjannu Hagikses yli kymmenen vuotta.


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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

hag (englanti > suomi)

  1. noita-akka

  2. akka, harppu

hag englanniksi

  1. A witch, sorceress, or enchantress; a wizard.

  2. (rfdat) Golding

  3. Silenus that old hag.
  4. puhekieltä An ugly old woman.

  5. A fury; a she-monster.

  6. (rfquotek)

  7. A hagfish; an eel-like marine marsipobranch, (taxlink), allied to the lamprey, with a suctorial mouth, labial appendages, and a single pair of gill openings.

  8. A hagdon or shearwater.

  9. An appearance of light and fire on a horse's mane or a man's hair.

  10. The fruit of the hagberry, Prunus padus.

  11. A small wood, or part of a wood or copse, which is marked off or enclosed for felling, or which has been felled.

  12. Fairfax

  13. This said, he led me over hoults and hags; / Through thorns and bushes scant my legs I drew.
  14. A quagmire; mossy ground where peat or turf has been cut.

  15. puhekieltä To harass; to weary with vexation.

  16. L'Estrange

  17. How are superstitious men hagged out of their wits with the fancy of omens.
  18. and

  19. (imperative of)
