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guimpe rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Englannin sanakirja

guimpe englanniksi

  1. gimp Gimp; a narrow flat braid or reinforced cord of fabric used for ornamental trimming.

  2. A kind of short, high-necked blouse with sleeves of the late w:Victorian era|Victorian era, designed to be worn under a low-cut dress, jumper, or pinafore dress.

  3. A kind of short chemisette or yoke insert made of lace, embroidery, or the like, worn with a low-necked dress.

  4. A wimple; a wide, stiffly starched cloth that covers the neck and shoulders, as part of the habit of nuns of certain orders.

  5. 1997, w:Don DeLillo|Don DeLillo, w:Underworld (DeLillo novel)|Underworld

  6. All the nuns at the convent wore plain blouses and skirts except for Sister Edgar, who had permission from the motherhouse to fit herself out in the old things with the arcane names, the wimple, cincture and guimpe.
  7. puhekieltä wimple

  8. chemisette (UK), dickey (US)
