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griddle rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

griddle englanniksi

  1. A flat plate of metal used for cooking.

  2. 1871, Louisa May Alcott, w:Little Men|Little Men, s:Little_Men/Chapter_5 chapter 5:

  3. Such a clatter as the little spoon made, and such a beating as the batter got, it quite foamed, I assure you; and when Daisy poured some on to the griddle, it rose like magic into a puffy flapjack that made Demi's mouth water.
  4. 1894, Lance Rawson, s:Australian enquiry book of household and general information|Australian enquiry book of household and general information, s:Australian enquiry book of household and general information/Cookery|Cookery:

  5. Some people when making scones do not trouble to light the oven but use the frying pan: of course if you have a griddle it is better than oven or pan, but very few people possess this useful utensil.
  6. To use a griddle, to cook on a griddle.
