


raha, fyrkka, massi, rahna, tuohi, nappula, hynä, pätäkkä, fyffe, hinta, saldo, taksa, hillo, mani, fyrkendaali, mammona, kahiseva, kilisevä, liksa, valuutta.

Englannin sanakirja

gelt englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A lunatic.

  2. 1596, (w), The Faerie Queene, IV.7:

  3. She (..) like a ghastly Gelt whose wits are reaved, / Ran forth in hast with hideous outcry (..)
  4. puhekieltä gilding Gilding; gilt.

  5. (en-past of)

  6. A gelding.

  7. (rfquotek)

  8. puhekieltä money Money.

  9. 1948, William Burroughs, letter, 5 Jun 1948:

  10. Have bought some farm land in Rio Grande Valley which should bring in a sizeable bundle of gelts come cotton picking time.
  11. tribute; tax

  12. Fuller

  13. All these the king granted unto them (..) free from all gelts and payments, in a most full and ample manner.
  14. puhekieltä money Money, especially that given as a gift on Hanukkah or used in games of dreidel.

  15. puhekieltä chocolate Chocolate candy in the shape of coins, usually wrapped in metallic foil, usually eaten on Hanukkah and often used for games of dreidel.

  16. {{quote-book
