
Rimmaavat sanat

gallnut rimmaa näiden kanssa:

hassahtanut, allekirjoittanut, kokenut, ainut, nainut, vastanainut, ylikukkinut, oppinut, itseoppinut, kamarioppinut...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

gallnut englanniksi

  1. A gall on a tree, caused by insects, that resembles a nut.

  2. 1916, (w), ''(w) (Macmillan Press Ltd, paperback, page 62)

  3. There was the smell of evening in the air, the smell of the fields in the country where they digged up turnips to peel them and eat them when they went out for a walk to Major Barton's, the smell there was in the little wood beyond the pavilion where the gallnuts were.
