
Rimmaavat sanat

fuliginous rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Englannin sanakirja

fuliginous (englanti > suomi)

  1. nokinen

fuliginous englanniksi

  1. Pertaining to or resembling soot; sooty, dusky. (defdate)

  2. 1843, :w:Thomas Carlyle, :w:Past and Present (book)|Past and Present, book 4, chapter XV, Morrison again:

  3. To that dingy fuliginous Operative, emerging from his soot-mill, what is the first duty I will prescribe, and offer help towards? That he clean the skin of him.
  4. 1934, Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer:

  5. On the beach, masts and chimneys interlaced, and like a fuliginous shadow the figure of Albertine gliding through the surf, fusing into the mysterious quick and prism of a protoplasmic realm, uniting her shadw to the dream and harbinger of death.
  6. 1972, John Gardner, Grendel, London 1972, p. 10:

  7. I toy with shouting some tidbit more – some terrifying, unthinkable threat, some blackly fuliginous riddling hex – but my heart's not in it.
  8. 1997, Thomas Pynchon, Mason & Dixon:

  9. With its own fuliginous Weather, at once public and private, created of smoke billowing from Pipes, Hearths, and Stoves, the Room would provide an extraordinary sight, were any able to see (..)
