
Liittyvät sanat: fraasi, fragmentaarinen, fragmentaarisesti, fragmentaarisuus, fragmentti, frakki.


  1. fragaa: tapella

  2. fragis: tappelu

  3. frakaa: tapella

  4. frakis: tappelu : Tulkaa tsiigaa, pitskulla on frakis.

  5. framille: esille

  6. franski: ranskalainen

Rimmaavat sanat

frá rimmaa näiden kanssa:

haara, asianhaara, oksanhaara, teollisuudenhaara, tieteenhaara, tienhaara, joenhaara, juurenhaara, ankkurinhaara, tuotannonhaara...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

frá englanniksi

  1. brother; a title of a monk or friar

  2. (rfquotek)

  3. 1908, Thomas Hughes, History of the Society of Jesus in North America

  4. The writer has spoken to his two companions, Fathers Eliseus and Elias, desiring them to go, if only to gather intelligence about those parts; but both are of one mind that the basis of operations, as laid down by Fra Simon, is not substantiated (..)
  5. 2000, Philip Pullman, The Amber Spyglass

  6. "She is in the hands of Mrs. Coulter," said Fra Pavel.
  7. (archaic form of)

  8. (l)

  9. from

  10. brother

  11. between

  12. among

  13. in (expression of time)

  14. Vi sarò fra due minuti - I'll be there in two minutes

  15. (jbo-rafsi of)

  16. glad
