

  1. en-v-taivm|f|ondl|ing|e



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Englannin sanakirja

fondling englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A foolish person.

  2. 1596, (w), The Faerie Queene, VI.6:

  3. Yet were her words and lookes but false and fayned, / To some hid end to make more easie way, / Or to allure such fondlings whom she trayned / Into her trap .
  4. 1847, (w), Wuthering Heights, Vol. I, ch. 10:

  5. 'How can you say I am harsh, you naughty fondling?' cried the mistress, amazed at the unreasonable assertion.
  6. A pet or person who is fondled; someone who is much loved.

  7. (present participle of)

  8. The act of caressing; manifestation of tenderness.

  9. Mickle

  10. Cyrus made no (..) amorous fondling / To fan her pride, or melt her guardless heart.
