

  1. kukka

  2. (ei monikkoa) kukka, kukkiminen

  3. (vanhentunut kirjoitusasu) (hieno) jauho ( = flour)


I bought some 'flowers'.

The flowers I bought are only coming into 'flower'.



hedelmäkasvit, koppisiemeniset, kukkiva kasvi, kukka, kukinta, pieni kukka, kukkija, lisääntymisosa.

Rimmaavat sanat

flower rimmaa näiden kanssa:

weber, freelancer, cheerleader, outsider, loafer, schäfer, penger, suojapenger, rantapenger, tiepenger...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

flower (englanti > suomi)

  1. kukka

  2. kukkia

flower englanniksi

  1. A colorful, conspicuous structure associated with angiosperms, frequently scented and attracting various insects, and which may or may not be used for sexual reproduction.

  2. 1597, De Campo, Don Richardo de Medico The Trimming of Thomas Nashe Gentleman

  3. How frail a flower thou doſt ſo highly a prize:/Beauty's the flower, but love the flower-pot/That muſt preſerve it, els it quickly dyes.
  4. puhekieltä A reproductive structure in angiosperms (flowering plants), often conspicuously colourful and typically including sepals, petals, and either or both stamens and/or a pistil.

  5. 1894, (w), s:The Flowering of the Strange Orchid|The Flowering of the Strange Orchid

  6. You know, Darwin studied their fertilisation, and showed that the whole structure of an ordinary orchid flower was contrived in order that moths might carry the pollen from plant to plant.
  7. A plant that bears flowers, especially a plant that is small and lacks wood.

  8. We transplanted the flowers to a larger pot.

  9. puhekieltä Of plants, a state of bearing blooms.

  10. The dogwoods are in flower this week.

  11. puhekieltä The vulva, especially the labia majora.

  12. puhekieltä The best examples or representatives of a group.

  13. We selected the flower of the applicants.

  14. Hooker

  15. The choice and flower of all things profitable the Psalms do more briefly contain.
  16. Southey

  17. the flower of the chivalry of all Spain
  18. The best state of things; the prime.

  19. She was in the flower of her life.

  20. Tennyson

  21. A simple maiden in her flower / Is worth a hundred coats of arms.
  22. puhekieltä flour Flour.

  23. Arbuthnot

  24. The flowers of grains, mixed with water, will make a sort of glue.
  25. puhekieltä A substance in the form of a powder, especially when condensed from sublimation.

  26. the flowers of sulphur

  27. A figure of speech; an ornament of style.

  28. puhekieltä Ornamental type used chiefly for borders around pages, cards, etc.

  29. (rfquotek)

  30. puhekieltä menstrual Menstrual discharges.

  31. Bible, Leviticus xv. 24 (American King James Version)

  32. And if any man lie with her at all, and her flowers be on him, he shall be unclean seven days; and all the bed where on he lies shall be unclean.
  33. (lbl) To put forth blooms.

  34. This plant flowers in June.

  35. (lbl) To reach a state of full development or achievement.

  36. Spenser

  37. when flowered my youthful spring
  38. 1940 (w), translator, (w), s:An Autobiography or The Story of my Experiments with Truth|An Autobiography, Part III (IX) s:The Story of My Experiments with Truth/Part III/Simple Life|Simple Life, original published 1927-1929

  39. It only needed watering to take root, to flower and to fructify, and the watering came in due course.
  40. (lbl) To froth; to ferment gently, as new beer.

  41. Francis Bacon

  42. That beer did flower a little.
  43. (lbl) To come off as flowers by sublimation.

  44. Milton

  45. observations which have flowered off
  46. puhekieltä Something that flows, such as a river.

  47. 1886–1890, J. D. Rees, Narratives of Tours in India, https://books.google.com/books?id=PragpcesPogC&lpg=PA340&ots=-8E6Ptps8n&dq=%22swift%20flower%22%20water&pg=PA340v=onepage&q=%22swift%20flower%22%20water&f=false page 340:

  48. Leaving the weavers’ village behind you, and crossing the sandy bed of the Vengavati or ‘Swift-flower,’ which, however, contained not a drop of water, you reach the ancient Jain temple.
  49. 1888, John T. White, The Seventh Book of Cæsar’s Gallic War with a Vocabulary, https://books.google.com/books?id=5kkVAAAAYAAJ&dq=%22swift-flower%22&pg=PA224v=onepage&q=%22swift-flower%22&f=false page 224:

  50. Rhŏdănus, i, m. The Rhodanus (now Rhone); a river of Gaul prob. a northern word, meaning “Swift-flower or Swift-passer”.
  51. 1893, Arthur A. MacDonnell, A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, https://books.google.com/books?id=-P9SIJE2IvAC&lpg=PA340&ots=fZZprW61Hf&dq=%22swift%20flower%22%20river&pg=PA340v=onepage&q=%22swift%20flower%22%20river&f=false page 340:

  52. sará-yu, f. swift flower: √sri N. of a river (in Oudh), in C. gnly. û.
  53. 1959, Scottish Studies, volumes 3–4, https://books.google.com/books?id=f5RnAAAAMAAJ&q=%22fast+flower%22+flows&dq=%22fast+flower%22+flows&hl=en&sa=X&ei=jClCVf3jCMGeNoOUgdgJ&ved=0CC4Q6AEwAw page 92:

  54. one that flows with force and speed; the fast flower
