


kevytmielinen, typerä, nenäkäs.

Rimmaavat sanat

flippant rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

flippant (englanti > suomi)

  1. epäkunnioittava lacking respect, epäasiallinen lacking seriousness

flippant englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä glib; speaking with ease and rapidity

  2. Barrow

  3. It becometh good men, in such cases, to be flippant and free in their speech.
  4. puhekieltä nimble; limber.

  5. Showing disrespect through a casual attitude, levity, and a lack of due seriousness; pert.

  6. Burke

  7. a sort of flippant, vain discourse
  8. 1998, w:Sylvia Brownrigg|Sylvia Brownrigg, The Metaphysical Touch

  9. The conversations had grown more adult over the years—she was less flippant, at least.
  10. 2000, Anthony Howard and Jason Cowley, Decline and Fall, New Statesman, March 13, 2000

  11. In the mid-1950s we both wrote for the same weekly, where her contributions were a good deal more serious and less flippant than mine.
  12. 2004, w:Allen Carr|Allen Carr, The Easy Way to Stop Smoking, page 147

  13. Our society treats smoking flippantly as a slightly distasteful habit that can injure your health. It is not. It is drug addiction.
  14. puhekieltä Surprising.

  15. puhekieltä Worrying; scary.

  16. (present participle of)
