

  1. hieno

  2. laadukas, hyvä

  3. hienojakoinen

  4. ohut (langasta tms.)


fine powder

a fine wire mesh



tarkka, täsmällinen, hienon hieno, tyydyttävä, kunnossa, oikein, sopiva, hieno, hyvä, ok, okei, hyvässä kunnossa oleva, puhekielen ilmaus, arkikielen ilmaus.

Liittyvät sanat: finessi.


Rimmaavat sanat

fine rimmaa näiden kanssa:

aine, asia-aine, anestesia-aine, auringonsuoja-aine, puunsuoja-aine, lahosuoja-aine, raaka-aine, uusioraaka-aine, ruoka-aine, rihma-aine...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

fine (englanti > suomi)

  1. hieno

  2. oivallinen

  3. kaunis

  4. kirkastaa, jalostaa, puhdistaa, hienontaa

  5. kirkastua, hienostua, puhdistua, jalostua, hienontua

  6. kirkastaa

  7. sakko

  8. sakottaa

fine englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä Of subjective quality.

  2. Of superior quality.

  3. (ux)

  4. (RQ:EHough PrqsPrc)

  5. "A fine man, that Dunwody, yonder," commented the young captain, as they parted, and as he turned to his prisoner. "We'll see him on in Washington some day. He is strengthening his forces now against Mr. Benton out there.(nb..)."
  6. puhekieltä Being acceptable, adequate, passable, or satisfactory.

  7. (quote-book)

  8. puhekieltä Good-looking, attractive.

  9. (quote-book)|chapter=10

  10. subtle Subtle, delicately balanced.

  11. The Independent

  12. The fine distinction between lender of last resort and a bail-out(nb..)
  13. puhekieltä showy Showy; overdecorated.

  14. (w) (1822-1888)

  15. He gratified them with occasional(..)fine writing.
  16. Delicate; subtle; exquisite; artful; dexterous.

  17. (w) (1688-1744)

  18. The spider's touch, how exquisitely fine!
  19. (w) (1631-1700)

  20. The nicest and most delicate touches of satire consist in fine raillery.
  21. (w) (1716-1771)

  22. He has as fine a hand at picking a pocket as a woman.
  23. puhekieltä Of objective quality.

  24. Of a particular grade of quality, usually between very good and very fine, and below mint.

  25. puhekieltä Sunny and not raining.

  26. puhekieltä "An answer often used to cover an unnecessary explanation, rather to avoid conflict or an argument." Saying "I'm fine usually indicates that the person is okay when that person is actually not okay.

  27. (quote-book)|chapter=23

  28. Consisting of especially minute particulate; made up of particularly small pieces.

  29. Particularly slender; especially thin, narrow, or of small girth.

  30. Made of slender or thin filaments.

  31. Having a (specified) proportion of pure metal in its composition.

  32. puhekieltä Behind the batsman and at a small angle to the line between the wickets.

  33. (ux)to nudge it through the covers (or tickle it down to fine leg) for a four(nb..)

  34. puhekieltä Subtle; thin; tenuous.

  35. (w) (1561-1626)

  36. The eye standeth in the finer medium and the object in the grosser.
  37. expression of agreement

  38. well, nicely, in a positive way

  39. Everything worked out fine.

  40. puhekieltä Finely; elegantly; delicately.

  41. puhekieltä In a manner so that the driven ball strikes the object ball so far to one side as to be barely deflected, the object ball being driven to one side.

  42. fine champagne|Fine champagne; French brandy.

  43. 1926, Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises, Scribner 2003, page 14:

  44. We had dined at l'Avenue's, and afterward went to the Café de Versailles for coffee. We had several fines after the coffee, and I said I must be going.
  45. 1936, Djuna Barnes, Nightwood, Faber & Faber 2007, page 18:

  46. He refilled his glass. ‘The fine is very good,’ he said.
  47. puhekieltä something that is fine; fine particles

  48. They filtered silt and fines out of the soil.

  49. puhekieltä to make finer, purer, or cleaner; to purify or clarify.

  50. to fine gold

  51. Hobbes

  52. It hath been fined and refined by (..) learned men.
  53. puhekieltä to become finer, purer, or cleaner.

  54. To make finer, or less coarse, as in bulk, texture, etc.

  55. to fine the soil


  56. To change by fine gradations.

  57. to fine down a ships lines, i.e. to diminish her lines gradually''

  58. Browning

  59. I often sate at home / On evenings, watching how they fined themselves / With gradual conscience to a perfect night.
  60. puhekieltä to clarify (wine and beer) by filtration.

  61. puhekieltä To become gradually fine; to diminish; to dwindle (with away, down, or off).

  62. W. C. Russel

  63. I watched her the ship (..) gradually fining down in the westward until I lost sight of her hull.
  64. A fee levied as punishment for breaking the law.

  65. The fine for jay-walking has gone from two dollars to thirty in the last fifteen years.

  66. {{quote-book|year=2006|author=w:Edwin Black|Edwin Black

  67. puhekieltä To issue a fine as punishment to (someone).

  68. She was fined a thousand dollars for littering, but she appealed.

  69. puhekieltä To pay a fine.

  70. Hallam

  71. Men fined for the king's good will; or that he would remit his anger; women fined for leave to marry.
  72. puhekieltä The end of a musical composition.

  73. puhekieltä The location in a musical score that indicates the end of the piece, particularly when the piece ends somewhere in the middle of the score due to a section of the music being repeated.

  74. puhekieltä To finish; to cease.

  75. puhekieltä To cause to cease; to stop.

  76. puhekieltä End; conclusion; termination; extinction.

  77. Spenser

  78. to see their fatal fine
  79. Shakespeare

  80. Is this the fine of his fines?
  81. A final agreement concerning lands or rents between persons, as the lord and his vassal.

  82. puhekieltä A sum of money or price paid for obtaining a benefit, favor, or privilege, as for admission to a copyhold, or for obtaining or renewing a lease.

  83. (inflection of)

  84. (e-form of)

  85. finally, at last

  86. in the final analysis, when all's said and done

  87. (feminine singular of)

  88. puhekieltä thin space, non-breakable space

  89. a number of high grade French brandy brandies (usually w:Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée|AOC certified)

  90. woman, female (of any sort:)

  91. fine fau : young woman

    tiana fine : his wife

    tiona fine : his daughter

    fine riki : mistress

  92. finally

  93. family group

  94. thin

  95. fine

  96. refined

  97. (feminine plural of)

  98. end

  99. aim, purpose, end

  100. il fine giustifica i mezzi - the ends justifies the means

  101. quiver

  102. sheath, scabbard

  103. vagina

  104. puhekieltä to find

  105. (definite of)

  106. (form of)

  107. family, kin, group of people of common descent

  108. clan, tribe, race

  109. (label) end

  110. (es-verb form of)

  111. (sv-adj-form-abs-def-m)
