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Englannin sanakirja

find (englanti > suomi)

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find englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To encounter or discover by accident; to happen upon.

  2. (rfdate) (w)

  3. Searching the window for a flint, I found / This paper, thus sealed up.
    In woods and forests thou art found.
  4. puhekieltä To encounter or discover something being searched for; to locate.

  5. (ux)

  6. (quote-book)|title=(w)|chapter=2|passage=I had occasion to make a somewhat long business trip to Chicago, and on my return I found Farrar awaiting me in the railway station. He smiled his wonted fraction by way of greeting, , and finally leading me to his buggy, turned and drove out of town.

  7. (quote-book)|chapter=10|title= The Mirror and the Lamp|passage=

  8. {{quote-journal|date=January 25, 2011|author=Paul Fletcher|work=BBC|title= Arsenal 3-0 Ipswich (agg. 3-1)|passage=

  9. (quote-magazine)|title= Welcome to the plastisphere|passage=

  10. puhekieltä To discover by study or experiment direct to an object or end.

  11. Water is found to be a compound substance.

  12. puhekieltä To gain, as the object of desire or effort.

  13. to find leisure; to find means

  14. puhekieltä To attain to; to arrive at; to acquire.

  15. Looks like he found a new vehicle for himself!

  16. puhekieltä To point out.

  17. puhekieltä To decide that, to discover that, to form the opinion that.

  18. I find you passing gentle.
    The torrid zone is now found habitable.
  19. (quote-book)|title=(w)

  20. puhekieltä To arrive at, as a conclusion; to determine as true; to establish.

  21. to find a verdict; to find a true bill (of indictment) against an accused person

    to find his title with some shows of truth
  22. puhekieltä To supply; to furnish.

  23. to find food for workmen

  24. puhekieltä To provide for

  25. He finds his nephew in money.

  26. (rfdate) (w)

  27. Wages £14 and all found.
    Nothing a day and find yourself.
  28. puhekieltä To determine or judge.

  29. puhekieltä To discover game.

  30. 1945, (w), The Pursuit of Love, Penguin 2010, page 57:

  31. They found at once, and there was a short sharp run, during which Linda and Tony, both in a somewhat showing-off mood, rode side by side over the stone walls.
