

  1. likainen, saastainen


You filthy animal!

Liittyvät sanat: filthiness



likainen, kurainen, epäsiisti, törkyinen, siivoton, saastainen, hävytön, rivo, säädytön, ruokoton, ruma, ilkeä, kamala, inhottava, paha, kurja, viheliäinen, kelvoton.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

filthy (englanti > suomi)

  1. likainen, saastainen, kuppainen

  2. likainen, saastainen

filthy englanniksi

  1. Covered with filth; very dirty.

  2. obscene Obscene or offensive.

  3. *1987, Michael Grumley, Final Diary

  4. Filthy smirking Pat Robertson has come in second in the Iowa Republican caucuses.
  5. Very unpleasant or disagreeable.

  6. puhekieltä To make very dirty; to cover in filth.

  7. 2007, Tom Bissell, Chasing the Sea: Lost Among the Ghosts of Empire in Central Asia

  8. In the years following World War Two, Americans cut down vast forests, built thousands of factories, assembled millions of atmospherically toxic automobiles, and filthied the water throughout North America.
  9. 2009, Jeffery Deaver, Hells Kitchen''

  10. He shouldered his way inside, filthying his T-shirt on the charred wood.
