


hengellinen olento, yliluonnollinen olento, haltijatar, keijukainen, haltija, keiju, tonttu, peikko, menninkäinen, haltia, maahinen, hyvä haltijatar, hyvä haltiatar, kääpiö, gnoomi, Morgan le Fay.

Rimmaavat sanat

fay rimmaa näiden kanssa:

gay, gray, spray, jalkaspray, speedway...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

fay englanniksi

  1. To fit.

  2. To join or unite closely or tightly.

  3. US Patent Application 20070033853, 2006:

  4. Under the four outer corners of the horizontal frame platform 22 are four tubular leg sleeves 23 that are fay together one at each outer corner.
  5. Model Shipbuilders, 2010:

  6. I have a strip cutter and I can cut the exact widths I need to fit, they are easy to fay together and attach very firmly to the bulkheads.
  7. To lie close together.

  8. To fadge.

  9. puhekieltä To cleanse; clean out.

  10. A fairy.

  11. 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, II.ii:

  12. that mighty Princesse did complaine / Of grieuous mischiefes, which a wicked Fay / Had wrought ....
  13. fairy Fairy like.

  14. puhekieltä A white person.

  15. puhekieltä white White.

  16. 1946, Mezz Mezzrow and Bernard Wolfe, Really the Blues, Payback Press 1999, p. 62:

  17. I really went for Ray's press roll on the drums; he was the first fay boy I ever heard who mastered this vital foundation of jazz music.
