

  1. rasvainen

  2. rasvoittunut; rasva-


'fatty' cheese – rasvainen juusto

'fatty' liver – rasvamaksa

'fatty' acid – rasvahappo

Liittyvät sanat: fattie



rasvainen, rasva-, öljyinen, voi-, voinen, rasvapitoinen, tali-, ylirasvoitettu.


Rimmaavat sanat

fatty rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tietty, mielitietty, kielletty, läpisävelletty, ilmetty, kovaksikeitetty, edellä esitetty, yhdistetty, alppiyhdistetty, suojaeristetty...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

fatty (englanti > suomi)

  1. rasvainen, rasvapitoinen

  2. rasvainen

  3. läski, punkero, pullukka

fatty englanniksi

  1. Containing, composed of, or consisting of fat.

  2. 1896, (w), (w), s:The Island of Doctor Moreau/Chapter 14|Chapter 14.

  3. Then in the case of excisions you have all kinds of secondary changes, pigmentary disturbances, modifications of the passions, alterations in the secretion of fatty tissue.
  4. 2002, (w), s:Presidential Radio Address - 22 June 2002|Presidential Radio Address - June 22.

  5. That means eating fruits and vegetables and cutting back on fatty foods.
  6. {{quote-magazine|year=2013|month=July-August|author=http://www.americanscientist.org/authors/detail/stephen-p-lownie Stephen P. Lownie, http://www.americanscientist.org/authors/detail/david-m-pelz David M. Pelz

  7. Like fat; greasy.

  8. 1849, (w) (Translated by (w)), s:Of the Epidemics|Of the Epidemics, Book II, Section 1.

  9. On the sixth, stools black, fatty, viscid, fetid; slept, more collected.
  10. 1861, (w), (w), s:Great Expectations/Chapter XXXII|Chapter 32

  11. (..)which had a greasy and fatty surface like cold broth
  12. puhekieltä Literally or figuratively large.

  13. 2007, http://vbulletin.thesite.org/showthread.php?t=113356 getting rid of weed smell tips

  14. Be careful of the taxi drivers out there though, I've heard they sell you drugs, drop you off at your hotel and then dob you in to the Thai Police to get a fatty reward!
  15. 2007, A. Bryant, http://www.amazon.com/review/RH9UUXADA42GQ/ref=cm_cr_rdp_permA Disappointment to Say the Least

  16. Instead of going my normal route (ordering the book through the store, checking it out in person, and then ordering it online so I could get a fatty discount) I impulsively bought the book.
  17. 2007, Rimma http://comments.deviantart.com/4/718221/456809541

  18. I'm trying to get a fatty project done in a couple of hours right now.
  19. puhekieltä An obese person.

  20. Its hardly surprising, when it has to support that enormous gut! Lose some weight, fatty!''

  21. puhekieltä A large marijuana cigar; a blunt.

  22. 2004, Anthony Kiedis, ‎Larry Sloman, Scar Tissue

  23. We went to Plaster Creek, smoked a fattie, and emerged doing somersaults and cartwheels and laughing.
