

  1. ainutlaatuinen, erinomainen, erityisen hyvä


They sell good coffee and pastries, but their chocolate is particularly exquisite.



ihana, kaunis, loistava, ihastuttava, hauras, aistikas, hieno, hienostunut, tyylikäs.

Rimmaavat sanat

exquisite rimmaa näiden kanssa:

lasite, tinalasite, lyijylasite, rasite, rakennusrasite, kiinteistörasite, esite, matkailuesite, tosite, tilitosite...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

exquisite (englanti > suomi)

  1. ihastuttava, hienostunut

exquisite englanniksi

  1. Especially fine or pleasing; exceptional.

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:Chmbrs YngrSt)

  4. Selwyn, sitting up rumpled and cross-legged on the floor, after having boloed Drina to everybody's exquisite satisfaction, looked around at the sudden rustle of skirts to catch a glimpse of a vanishing figure—a glimmer of ruddy hair and the white curve of a youthful face, half-buried in a muff.
  5. puhekieltä Carefully adjusted; precise; accurate; exact.

  6. recherché Recherché; far-fetched; abstruse.

  7. Of special beauty or rare excellence.

  8. Exceeding; extreme; keen, in a bad or a good sense.

  9. Of delicate perception or close and accurate discrimination; not easy to satisfy; exact; fastidious.

  10. (w) (1606-1661)

  11. his books of Oriental languages, wherein he was exquisite
  12. puhekieltä fop Fop, dandy. (defdate)

  13. 1925, w:P._G._Wodehouse P. G. Wodehouse, w:Sam_the_sudden Sam the Sudden, Random House, London:2007, p. 42.

  14. So striking was his appearance that two exquisites, emerging from the Savoy Hotel and pausing on the pavement to wait for a vacant taxi, eyed him with pained disapproval as he approached, and then, starting, stared in amazement.
    : 'Good Lord!' said the first exquisite.
  15. (inflection of)
