

  1. odottaa, odotella

  2. odottaa, olettaa jklta jtk

  3. kestopreesensissä: be ~ing olla raskaana, odottaa

Liittyvät sanat: be expected



tulla raskaaksi, synnyttää, saada lapsi, olla raskaana, odottaa, kantaa, odottaa lasta, olla pulla uunissa.

Englannin sanakirja

expect (englanti > suomi)

  1. odottaa, odotella

expect englanniksi

  1. To look for (mentally); to look forward to, as to something that is believed to be about to happen or come; to have a previous apprehension of, whether of good or evil; to look for with some confidence; to anticipate; -- often followed by an infinitive, sometimes by a clause (with, or without, that).

  2. (ux)

  3. (quote-book)|chapter=13

  4. To consider obligatory or required.

  5. To consider reasonably due.

  6. (ux)

  7. puhekieltä To be pregnant, to consider a baby due.

  8. puhekieltä To wait for; to await.

  9. (rfdat) (w) (c.1564–1616):

  10. Let's in, and there expect their coming.
  11. 1825, (w), (w), A. and C. Black (1868), 24-25:

  12. The knight fixed his eyes on the opening with breathless anxiety, and continuing to kneel in the attitude of devotion which the place and scene required, expected the consequence of these preparations.
  13. puhekieltä To wait; to stay.

  14. (rfquotek)
