


pakkausmateriaali, pehmuste, lastuvilla.

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excelsior rimmaa näiden kanssa:

senior, junior...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

excelsior englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä Loftier, yet higher; ever upward

  2. puhekieltä The size of type between Norse and brilliant, standardized as 3-point.

  3. Stuffing material (as for furniture and mattresses) made of slender, curled wood shavings, as a substitute for hair.

  4. 1942, Elliot Paul, The Last Time I Saw Paris, Sickle Moon 2001, p. 91:

  5. These little mangers, with baby dolls representing Jesus, porcelean Josephs and Marys, wide-eyed cows of papier-mâché, and excelsior for straw, were purchased by pious parents for well-behaved children at Christmas-tide.
  6. higher, loftier, more elevated
