

  1. en-v-taivm|d|ying|pprees=die



kuoleva, kuolin-, kuolemaisillaan oleva, viimeinen, innokas, innostunut, halukas.

Rimmaavat sanat

dying rimmaa näiden kanssa:

drag racing, icing, bodybuilding, sightseeing, stretching, desktop publishing, body stocking, smoking, quisling, happening...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

dying (englanti > suomi)

  1. kuoleva

  2. viime, loppu-

  3. viimeinen, kuolin-

  4. kuoleva|p|alt=kuolevat

  5. kuoleminen

dying englanniksi

  1. Approaching death; about to die; moribund.

  2. The dying dog was put out of his misery with a single shot!

    dying fire

  3. decline Declining, terminal, or drawing to an end.

  4. In the dying moments of daylight I glimpsed a sail on the horizon.

  5. Pertaining to death, or the moments before death.

  6. His dying words were of his mother.

    until my dying day

    his dying bed

  7. The process of approaching death; or, less precisely, death itself.

  8. puhekieltä Those who are currently expiring, moribund.

  9. The battlefield was littered with the dead and dying.

  10. (present participle of)

  11. puhekieltä (present participle of) ((alternative form of))
