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dudette englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä Term of address for a woman.

  2. (quote-web), reproduced on (w)|date=23 September 2015|passage=It's an album by (w) with ballads and toe-tappers for those "dudes and dudettes" reminiscing about high school football games, family and life over a cold beer.

  3. puhekieltä A cool woman, especially a surfer or skater.

  4. puhekieltä A manly woman.

  5. 2013, Sam Kauffman, MADDY - Courage and Heart: Life Lessons From a Puppy Handbook, AuthorHouse (ISBN 9781491834282), page 138

  6. GARDENS. AND. BEING. A. GIRL. Maddy was a dainty and feminine tomboy with a disposition both loving and tough as nails. She was a “dudette” and a debutant. What could have been clashing opposites were perfectly blended in her.
  7. 2013, Judy Faust; Punch Faust, The MOTs File: Memories, Observations, and Thoughts, AuthorHouse (ISBN 9781491827123), page 88

  8. As my (metal) knees set off all the security thingies, I am subjected to touchy, feely sessions—usually by a dudette with fat, sweaty hands—before being allowed to wait at the gate for hour after hour. The Joy Of Watching Hockey It is a lovely fall.
  9. puhekieltä A cowgirl, especially a tenderfoot.

  10. 1940, Oren Arnold, John Prentiss Hale, Hot irons: heraldry of the range

  11. Most memorable thing about the first branding work a dude or a dudette witnesses is likely to be the heart-rending " BAWR- R-R-R-R!" of the calf or other animal under the hot iron.
  12. 1944, Minute Man

  13. "Dudettes" in cowgirl outfits combed the business district of Phoenix
  14. 2000, Ruth Jean Dale, Almost a Cowboy (ISBN 9780373258789)

  15. The dudettes met their horses that morning.
  16. puhekieltä A cowboy's wife, or a woman who moves out west with the intention of marrying a cowboy.

  17. 1941, Travel

  18. I&39;ll be cow—hooked if she ain&39;t the best looking thing that&39;s come over the mountains since I married my own dudette!
  19. 1949, Arizona Cattlelog

  20. Saturday evening, March 11, the Dudettes (wives and sweethearts of the Jaycees ) will give their annual all- Western dance at Bud Brown&39;s Barn.
  21. 2005, Lesley Poling-Kempes, Ghost Ranch, University of Arizona Press (ISBN 9780816523474), page 48

  22. Visiting dudettes found the shy man of the land irresistible.
  23. 2015, Verna Clay, Forever Kisses: Book 7 of Romance on the Ranch Series, M.O.I. Publishing, page 92

  24. I can&39;t believe a month ago I was living my life as usual, and now I&39;m a dudette about to become a pioneer traveling on a wagon train.
