duck out


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Englannin sanakirja

duck out englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To depart quickly or exit abruptly, especially in a manner which does not attract notice and before a meeting, event, etc. has concluded.

  2. 1921, w:Ring Lardner|Ring Lardner, Sr., The Big Town, ch. 4:

  3. Wile they was still talking along these lines, the orchestra begin to drool a Perfect Day, so I ducked out on the porch for air.
  4. 1991, Richard Berke, " Sizzling 40-Year Streak Of Never Missing a Vote," New York Times, 8 June (retrieved 26 Nov 2010):

  5. Fearful of missing a roll-call, Representative Charles E. Bennett has ducked out of funerals, bolted from hospital beds and defied snowstorms to get to the House chamber.
  6. 2002, Leonie Lamont, " Working mothers triumph in two rulings," Sydney Morning Herald (Australia), 29 Aug. (retrieved 26 Nov 2010):

  7. Cathy Song needed to duck out from work at 3pm to ferry her child from pre-school to a neighbour's.
  8. puhekieltä To depart quickly or exit abruptly by way of, especially in a manner which does not attract notice and before a meeting, event, etc. has concluded.

  9. 1981, ",9171,949176,00.html Copious Coping: How Other Mayors Fare," Time, 15 June:

  10. The four-term Democrat, known to critics as "King Kevin" and "Mayor De Luxe," has been threatened with recall petitions and recently ducked out the back door of a restaurant to avoid picketers.
  11. puhekieltä or (m) To move or act so as to achieve avoidance, escape, or evasion.

  12. 1911, w:Jack London|Jack London, "A Piece of Steak" in When God Laughs and Other Stories:

  13. In the one moment he saw his opponent ducking out of his field of vision and the background of white, watching faces; in the next moment he again saw his opponent and the background of faces.
  14. 1978, ",5117555&dq=ducking-out&hl=en Another free lunch" (editorial), St. Petersburg Times (USA), 20 March, p. 10A (retrieved 26 Nov 2010):

  15. Congress even now is considering enlarging that deficit by cutting those taxes. . . . It means ducking out of the basic Social Security problem.
  16. 2002, Ian Taylor, " Obstacles to Change in Africa," Foreign Policy in Focus, 1 April (retrieved 26 Nov 2010):

  17. Any project for renewal is subject to a wide variety of destabilizing forces, not least when elites seek to duck out from the commitments they themselves have made.
