

  1. kaksinkertainen, kaksois-

Liittyvät sanat: duality



monikko-, monikollinen, monikon, duaali, moninkertainen, usea, kaksois-, kaksiosainen, kahtalainen, kahdenlainen, kolmenlainen.

Liittyvät sanat: dualismi, dualistinen, dualistisesti, dualistisuus.

Rimmaavat sanat

dual rimmaa näiden kanssa:

pascal, rial, trial, sial, kajal, sammal, laakasammal, rahkasammal, nukkasammal, maksasammal...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

dual (englanti > suomi)

  1. in compounds kaksi|alt=kaksi-, kaksois-, duaalinen, duaali|alt=duaali-

  2. in compounds kaksi|alt=kaksi-, kaksinkertainen

  3. in compounds kaksikko|alt=kaksikko-, duaalinen, in compounds duaali|alt=duaali-

  4. kaksikko

dual englanniksi

  1. Exhibiting duality; characterized by having two (usually equivalent) components.

  2. Acting as a counterpart.

  3. Double.

  4. dual-headed computer

  5. puhekieltä Pertaining to grammatical number (as in singular and plural), referring to two of something, such as a pair of shoes, in the context of the singular, plural and in some languages, trial grammatical number. Modern Arabic displays a dual number, as did Homeric Greek.

  6. puhekieltä Being the space of all linear functionals of (some other space).

  7. 2012, Doug Fisher, Hans-J. Lenz, Learning from Data: Artificial Intelligence and Statistics V, Springer Science & Business Media (ISBN 9781461224044), page 81

  8. Accordingly, a hyperplane in the sample space is dual to a subspace in the variable space.
  9. puhekieltä Being the dualNoun dual of (some other category); containing the same objects but with domain and codomain reversed for all functions.

  10. 1992, Colin McLarty, Elementary Categories, Elementary Toposes, Clarendon Press (ISBN 9780191589492), page 77

  11. Every category is dual to its own dual, so if a statement holds in all categories so does its dual.
  12. Of an item that is one of a pair, the other item in the pair.

  13. puhekieltä Of a regular polyhedron with V vertices and F faces, the regular polyhedron having F vertices and V faces.

  14. The octahedron is the dual of the cube.

  15. puhekieltä dual number The grammatical number of a noun marking two of something (as in singular, dual, plural), sometimes referring to two of anything (a couple of, exactly two of), or a chirality-marked pair (as in left and right, as with gloves or shoes) or in some languages as a discourse marker, "between you and me". A few languages display trial number.

  16. puhekieltä Of a vector in an inner product space, the linear functional corresponding to taking the inner product with that vector. The set of all duals is a vector space called the dual space.

  17. lock, tress

  18. wisp, tuft

  19. ply, strand

  20. twist, twine

  21. spiral, whirl

  22. to twine

  23. to braid, coil

  24. to interlace, fold

  25. dowel

  26. knot (qualifier)

  27. native, natural

  28. (ux)

  29. proper, fitting

  30. in the natural order of things

  31. fated

  32. possible

  33. (l) (gloss)

  34. birthright

  35. curl, lock of hair

  36. plait, strand, braid, or fold

  37. ringlet

  38. hereditary,

  39. usual, natural

  40. (l)

  41. puhekieltä (l)
