

  1. piirros

  2. piirtäminen


Thats a beautiful 'drawing'.

:Tämä on kaunis 'piirros'.

'Drawing' is fun!

:'Piirtäminen' on hauskaa!



nosto, otto, johtaminen, taide, taiteellinen luomus, taideteos, piirtäminen, suunnittelu, polttopiirustus, pyrografia, tyhjiin valuminen.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

drawing (englanti > suomi)

  1. piirros, piirustus

  2. piirtäminen

  3. nostoarvonta

drawing englanniksi

  1. (present participle of)

  2. A picture, likeness, diagram or representation, usually drawn on paper.

  3. {{quote-magazine|date=2012-03

  4. (qualifier) The act of producing such a picture.

  5. Such acts practiced as a graphic art form.

  6. An act or event in which the outcome (e.g., designating a winner) is selected by chance in the form of a blind draw, notably of lots; especially such a contest in which a winning name or number is selected randomly by removing (or drawing) it from a container, popularly a hat).

  7. A small portion of tea for steeping.

  8. 1853, Alice Cary, Clovernook

  9. (..) the tea-kettle was presently steaming like an engine, and an extra large "drawing of tea" was steeping on the hearth.
