

  1. dramaattisesti

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Englannin sanakirja

dramatically (englanti > suomi)

  1. dramaattisesti, draamallisesti

dramatically englanniksi

  1. In a dramatic manner.

  2. (quote-book) will prove a good burlesque ; but it all began dramatically enough. It was last Saturday (..) that two boys, playing in the little spinney just outside Wembley Park Station, came across three large parcels done up in American cloth. (..)

  3. (quote-journal) (Sport)|date=21 October 2014|passage=But ever since the concept of "hamartia" recurred through (w)'s w:Poetics (Aristotle)|Poetics, in an attempt to describe man's ingrained iniquity, our impulse has been to identify a telling defect in those brought suddenly and dramatically low.
