

  1. hallitseva, vallitseva, dominoiva

  2. yhteys|biologia|k=en dominoiva, vallitseva



hallitseva, vallassa oleva, korkein, ylin, jtak parempi, korkeampi, parempi, ylempi, asema.

Liittyvät sanat: dominantisti, dominantti.

Rimmaavat sanat

dominant rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

dominant (englanti > suomi)

  1. vallitseva, hallitseva

dominant englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä The fifth major tone of a musical scale (five major steps above the note in question); thus G is the dominant of C, A of D, and so on.

  2. puhekieltä The triad built on the dominant tone.

  3. puhekieltä A gene that is dominant.

  4. 1930, R. A. Fisher, ‎J. H. Bennett, The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection (page 50)

  5. Finally, if we suppose provisionally that the mutant genes are dominant just as often as they are recessive, selection will be far more severe in eliminating the disadvantageous dominants than in eliminating the disadvantageous recessives.
  6. A species or organism that is dominant.

  7. 1966, John R. Bassett, ‎Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.), Thinning loblolly pine from above and below

  8. Landowners cannot afford to cut submerchantable trees, yet many hesitate to cut merchantable dominants and codominants at the risk of downgrading the residual stand.
  9. puhekieltä The dominate dominating partner in sadomasochistic sexual activity.

  10. 2011, Jayne Rylon, Mistresss Master'' (page 65)

  11. His story was a fable you told dominants in training to stress the importance of comprehending the depths of your submissive's needs.
  12. Ruling; governing; prevailing; controlling.

  13. The dominant party controlled the government.

  14. Macaulay

  15. The member of a dominant race is, in his dealings with the subject race, seldom indeed fraudulent, (..) but imperious, insolent, and cruel.
  16. predominant Predominant, common, prevalent, of greatest importance.

  17. The dominant plants of the Carboniferous were lycopods and early conifers.

  18. 2009, H. Stephen Stoker, General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, page 10

  19. All other elements are mere "impurities" when their abundances are compared with those of these two dominant elements.
  20. puhekieltä Designating the follicle which will survive atresia and permit ovulation.

  21. (l)

  22. English dominant

  23. (present participle of)

  24. Adjective dominant

  25. dominantEnglish dominant
