

  1. tekeminen

  2. teko, tekonen


the 'doings' of the British royal family

Is this your 'doing', kitty?

It was none of my 'doing'.

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Englannin sanakirja

doing (englanti > suomi)

  1. tekeminen

doing englanniksi

  1. A deed or action, especially when somebody is held responsible for it.

  2. This is his doing. (= "He did it.")

  3. 1900, Book News (volume 18, page 80)

  4. Mr. Dawe further calls his voyage “A Record of some Strange Doings at Sea.” They are strange doings, in fact, and yet not as novel as might be expected. They involve mutiny, piracy, shipwreck, and fights with Savages (..)
  5. (present participle of)

  6. The sound made by an elastic object when struck by or striking a hard object.
