

  1. erottaa, havaita ero

  2. ~ oneself, kunnostautua


Can you distinguish between the words "ship" and "sheep"?

That distinguishes the artist from his contemporaries.

The twins are so alike they cant be distinguished.

We distinguished a light in the distance.

He distinguished himself in the war.

Liittyvät sanat: distinguishable



erottaa, identifioida, tunnistaa, havaita ero, huomata ero, tehdä ero, pystyä erottamaan, tuntea, leimata, verrata, vertailla.

Rimmaavat sanat

distinguish rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

distinguish englanniksi

  1. To see someone or something as different from others.

  2. {{quote-book|author=De Lacy O'Leary|title=S:Arabic Thought and Its Place in History|Arabic Thought and Its Place in History|year=1922

  3. {{quote-magazine|year=2012|month=March-April

  4. To see someone or something clearly or distinctly.

  5. To make oneself noticeably different or better from others through accomplishments.

  6. 1784: William Jones, The Description and Use of a New Portable Orrery, &c., http://www.google.co.uk/books?id=4SoIAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA1&dq=ph%C3%A6nomenaPPA1,M1 PREFACE

  7. THE favourable reception the Orrery has met with from Perſons of the firſt diſtinction, and from Gentlemen and Ladies in general, has induced me to add to it ſeveral new improvements in order to give it a degree of Perfection; and diſtinguiſh it from others; which by Piracy, or Imitation, may be introduced to the Public.
  8. puhekieltä To make to differ.

  9. Bible, 1 Cor. iv. 7 (Douay version)

  10. Who distinguisheth thee?
