

  1. tyrmistys



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Englannin sanakirja

dismay (englanti > suomi)

  1. tyrmistys

dismay englanniksi

  1. A sudden or complete loss of courage and firmness in the face of trouble or danger; overwhelming and disabling terror; a sinking of the spirits; consternation.

  2. Condition fitted to dismay; ruin.

  3. To disable with alarm or apprehensions; to depress the spirits or courage of; to deprive of firmness and energy through fear; to daunt; to appall; to terrify.

  4. Bible, Josh. i. 9

  5. Be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed.
  6. Fairfax

  7. What words be these? What fears do you dismay?
  8. To render lifeless; to subdue; to disquiet.

  9. Spenser

  10. Do not dismay yourself for this.
  11. To take dismay or fright; to be filled with dismay.

  12. 1592, w: William Shakespeare|William Shakespeare, s: The First Part of King Henry the Sixth|Henry VI, Part 1, III. iii. 1:

  13. Dismay not, princes, at this accident,
