

  1. hymykuoppa

  2. kolo, lommo, kolhu, kuoppa


cute dimples though



hymykuoppa, painuma, painanne, painauma, kuoppa, kolo, silppu, reikäkortin epäonnistunut rei'itys, jättää jälki, kuvioida, pilkuttaa.

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dimple rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

dimple (englanti > suomi)

  1. kolo, lommo, kolhu

  2. hymykuoppa

  3. kolhaista, kolhia, tehdä lommo">tehdä lommo

dimple englanniksi

  1. A small depression or indentation in a surface.

  2. The accident created a dimple in the hood of the car.

  3. Wordsworth

  4. The garden pool's dark surface (..) breaks into dimples small and bright.
  5. Specifically, a small natural depression on the skin, especially on the face near the corners of the mouth.

  6. You have very cute dimples.

  7. puhekieltä To create a dimple in.

  8. The hailstorm dimpled the roof of our car.

  9. puhekieltä To create a dimple in one's face by smiling.

  10. The young girl dimpled in glee as she was handed a cupcake.

  11. To form dimples; to sink into depressions or little inequalities.

  12. Dryden

  13. And smiling eddies dimpled on the main.
