

  1. timantti

  2. vinoneliö, salmiakki, rombi



pallokenttä, baseball-kenttä, sisäkenttä, baseballin etukenttä, etukenttä, pelikenttä, urheilukenttä, kenttä, alue, palsta.

Rimmaavat sanat

diamond rimmaa näiden kanssa:

big band, chateaubriand, dixieland, polterabend, jugend, boyfriend, underground...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

diamond (englanti > suomi)

  1. timantti

  2. hailakansininen, hyvin vaalean sininen">hyvin vaalean sininen

  3. baseballkenttä

  4. baseballin sisäkenttä">baseballin sisäkenttä

  5. ruutu

diamond englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A glimmering glass-like mineral that is an allotrope of carbon in which each atom is surrounded by four others in the form of a tetrahedron.

  2. The saw is coated with diamond.

  3. A gemstone made from this mineral.

  4. {{quote-magazine|date=2012-03

  5. The dozen loose diamonds sparkled in the light.

  6. A ring containing a diamond.

  7. What a beautiful engagement diamond.

  8. A very pale blue color/colour.

  9. diamond color:   

  10. Something that resembles a diamond.

  11. puhekieltä A rhombus, especially when oriented so that its longer axis is vertical.

  12. puhekieltä The polyiamond made up of two triangles.

  13. puhekieltä The entire field of play used in the game.

  14. puhekieltä The infield of a baseball field.

  15. The teams met on the diamond.

  16. puhekieltä A card of the diamonds suit.

  17. I have only one diamond in my hand.

  18. puhekieltä A size of type, standardised as 4½ point.

  19. made of, or containing diamond, a diamond or diamonds.

  20. He gave her diamond earrings.

  21. of, relating to, or being a sixtieth anniversary.

  22. Today is their diamond wedding anniversary.

  23. of, relating to, or being a seventy-fifth anniversary.

  24. puhekieltä First-rate; excellent.

  25. Hes a diamond geezer.''

  26. to adorn with or as if with diamonds

  27. puhekieltä The size of type between brilliant and pearl, standardized as 4½-point.
