


epärealistinen, harhainen, valheellinen.

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delusive rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

delusive (englanti > suomi)

  1. petollinen, harhaanjohtava

delusive englanniksi

  1. Producing delusions.

  2. delusional Delusional.

  3. Inappropriate to reality; forming part of a delusion.

  4. 1849, Charlotte Brontë, Shirley

  5. It seemed calculated to suggest ideas she had no intention to suggest — ideas delusive and disturbing.
  6. {{quote-Don Quixote|passage=I opened my eyes, I rubbed them, and found I was not asleep but thoroughly awake. Nevertheless, I felt my head and breast to satisfy myself whether it was I myself who was there or some empty delusive phantom; but touch, feeling, the collected thoughts that passed through my mind, all convinced me that I was the same then and there that I am this moment.
