

  1. virta, vuo

  2. kaista, tiedonsiirtonopeus

  3. lupa, lisenssi (myydä esim. tupakkaa)


haut débit – laajakaista

débit binaire – tiedonsiirtonopeus

le débit de dose radioactive – absorboituneen radioaktiivisen säteilyn annosnopeus



merkintä, tilitapahtuma, kirjaus, debet, debet-kirjaus, tilittää, laskea, veloittaa tiliä, veloittaa.

Rimmaavat sanat

debit rimmaa näiden kanssa:

IT, parfait, kait, suitsait, universiadit, kredit, pihdit, linjapihdit, laakapihdit, lankapihdit...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

debit (englanti > suomi)

  1. debet-vienti, veloitus

  2. otto

  3. veloittaa

  4. otto|alt=otto-

debit englanniksi

  1. In bookkeeping, an entry in the left hand column of an account.

  2. A cash sale is recorded as debit on the cash account and as credit on the sales account.

  3. A sum of money taken out of a bank account. Thus called, because in bank's bookkeeping a cash withdrawal diminishes the amount of money held on the account, i.e. bank's debt to the customer.

  4. To make an entry on the debit side of an account.

  5. To record a receivable in the bookkeeping.

  6. ''We shall debit your account for the amount of the purchase.

    We shall debit the amount of your purchase to your account.

  7. of or relating to process of taking money from an account

  8. of or relating to the debit card function of a debit card rather than its often available credit card function (rfex)
