

  1. kuuro


The term is offensive to 'deaf' for a number of reasons.

Liittyvät sanat: deafen, deafness



kuulovammainen, kuuromykkä, huonokuuloinen, umpikuuro, sävelkorvaton, sävelkuuro.

Englannin sanakirja

deaf (englanti > suomi)

  1. kuuro, kuulovammainen

deaf englanniksi

  1. Unable to hear, or only partially able to hear.

  2. Shakespeare

  3. Come on my right hand, for this ear is deaf.
  4. Dryden

  5. Deaf with the noise, I took my hasty flight.
  6. Unwilling to listen or be persuaded; determinedly inattentive; regardless.

  7. Those people are deaf to reason.

    O, that men's ears should be / To counsel deaf, but not to flattery!
  8. Obscurely heard; stifled; deadened.

  9. A deaf murmur through the squadron went.
  10. puhekieltä Decayed; tasteless; dead.

  11. a deaf nut; deaf corn


  12. Holland

  13. If the season be unkindly and intemperate, they peppers will catch a blast; and then the seeds will be deaf, void, light, and naught.
