

  1. rahka

  2. juustomassa

  3. juoksettunut maito

  4. yhteys|Intia jogurtti



elintarvike, ruokatavara, soijajuusto, tofu, maitotaloustuote, maitotuote, meijerituote, juoksettunut maito, hyytynyt nestemäinen elintarvike, juusto.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

curd (englanti > suomi)

  1. rahka

curd englanniksi

  1. The part of milk that coagulates when it sours or is treated with enzymes; used to make cottage cheese.

  2. The coagulated part of any liquid.

  3. The edible flower head of certain brassicaceous plants.

  4. R. Thompson

  5. Broccoli should be cut while the curd, as the flowering mass is termed, is entire.
  6. F. Burr

  7. Cauliflowers should be cut for use while the head, or curd, is still close and compact.
  8. (quote-book)|year=2010|pages=162–163|isbn=978-1-119-99223-3|passage=This beautiful vegetable &91;Romanesco Romanesco broccoli&93; looks rather like a green cauliflower designed by a mathematician and has lime-green 'spiralled' curds. The curds are nutty and tasty, and romanesco is worth growing just for its good looks. You can use romanesco in the same ways that you would normally use cauliflower but the flavour is sweeter and they look far more impressive. I try to leave them in large pieces when serving them because they're so beautiful.

  9. puhekieltä To form curd; to curdle.

  10. puhekieltä To cause to coagulate or thicken; to cause to congeal; to curdle.

  11. Shakespeare

  12. Does it curd thy blood / To say I am thy mother?
