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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

culturicide englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä The systematic destruction of a culture, particularly one unique to a specific ethnicity, or a political, religious, or social group.

  2. (quote-journal)|year=1969|volume=18|page=617|issn=0028-6451|oclc=1759936|passage=If culturicide is to be prevented, certain means must be employed.

  3. (quote-book)

  4. (quote-book)|year=2004|page=|isbn=978-0-415-28674-9|passage=Culturecide, referred to also as cultural genocide or deculturation, signifies processes that have usually been purposely introduced and that result in the decline or demise of a culture, without necessarily resulting in the physical destruction of its bearers.

  5. (quote-book) and John Solomos|title=The SAGE Handbook of Race and Ethnic Studies|location=Los Angeles, Calif.|publisher=(w)|year=2010|page=102|isbn=978-0-7619-4220-7|passage=While situated in Darwinian ideas of evolutionary progress, w:Edward Burnett Tylor|Edward Burnett Tylor's work shows interesting analogies with both w:Immanuel Kant|Immanuel Kant's moral telos and its implied culturcide, and w:Johann Gottfried Herder|Johann Gottfried Herder's universalism of partitioned cultures.

  6. puhekieltä An instance of such destruction.

  7. (quote-book)|year=2003|page=145|isbn=978-0-415-28614-5|passage=Our mission is not only to stop the "culturecides" initiated by us, but also to recognize the treasures of experience, wisdom, and subtlety in the cultures we are annihilating.
