

  1. hölmö



käenmuotoinen lintu, Cuculidae, käet, Cuculidae-heimo, käki, Cuculus canorus, mississipinkäki, mustanokkakäki, Coccyzus erythropthalmus, kalifornianjuoksukäki, Geococcyx californianus.

Rimmaavat sanat

cuckoo rimmaa näiden kanssa:

trikoo, villatrikoo, puuvillatrikoo, pumpulitrikoo, nailontrikoo, talkoo, rokokoo, talonpoikaisrokokoo...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

cuckoo (englanti > suomi)

  1. käki

  2. kukunta, kukkuu

  3. kukkua

  4. hokea

cuckoo englanniksi

  1. crazy Crazy; not sane.

  2. Any of various birds, of the family Cuculidae, famous for laying its eggs in the nests of other species; but especially the (vern), Cuculus canorus, that has a characteristic two-note call.

  3. The sound of that particular bird.

  4. The bird shaped figure found in Swiss/German clocks (cuckoo clocks) or the clock itself.

  5. Someone found where they shouldn't be (used especially in the phrase a cuckoo in the nest).

  6. Someone who is crazy.

  7. To make the call of a cuckoo

  8. To repeat something incessantly
