

  1. tila-autoista tai katumaastureista vaikutteita saanut henkilöauto


Erilaiset SUV- ja 'crossover'-mallit ovat kasvattaneet jatkuvasti suosiotaan (



lainaaminen, omaksuminen, suojatie, ylikulkupaikka, eritasoristeys, polku, tie, risteymä.

Rimmaavat sanat

crossover rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

crossover englanniksi

  1. A place where one thing cross crosses over another.

  2. The means by which the crossing is made.

  3. puhekieltä The result of the exchange of genetic material during meiosis.

  4. A blend of multiple style styles of music, intended to appeal to a wider audience.

  5. An automobile that is a mix of two kinds of automobiles, e.g. the w:Pontiac_Torrent Pontiac Torrent.

  6. puhekieltä A pair of switches and a short, diagonal length of track which together connect two parallel tracks and allow passage between them.

  7. A piece of fiction that borrows elements from two or more fictional universes.

  8. (label) A crossover athlete or crossover swimmer who has competed in more than one of open water swimming, swimming pool|pool swimming, triathlon, endurance sports.

  9. puhekieltä A crossover dribble.

  10. puhekieltä Configured with the wires that are connected to pins 1 (data transmission, positive polarity) and 2 (data transmission, negative polarity) on one side, connected to pins 3 (receive data, positive polarity) and 6 (receive data, negative polarity) on the other side, and with pins 3 (receive +) and 6 (receive -) on the one end wired to pins 1 (transmit +) and 2 (transmit -) on the other end.

  11. English crossover (car)

  12. (l) (car)
